ConnCASE March 2022 Virtual Legal Conference
Join ConnCASE on Thursday, March 10 - 11, 2022 for our Annual Legal Conference with Keynote Speaker Attorney Deanna Arivett.
March 10 – 11, 20228:30 AM – 3:30 PM
ConnCASE Virtual Annual March Legal Conference
Thursday, March 10 - 11, 2022
Cost: $150/members ~ $175/non-members
Overview: This conference has been designed to provide participants with the most up to date legal information on Special Education.
Audience: District staff of central office and building administrators, other educators, and support services professionals are encouraged to attend.
Registration Information:
Registration Fees
$175/ Non Member
Conference Fees will cover participation in the full conference.
Payment Information :
ALL registration payments must be made via EventBrite by Credit Card Only. Those registrants who have paid in full will have space reserved. No refunds or cancellations will be accepted.
The zoom link will be sent to all paid attendees the day before the conference begins.
Thursday, March 10, 2022
9:05am Welcome & Introductions
9:15am Keynote Speaker: Attorney Deanna Arivett
10:45am BREAK
11:00am Keynote Speaker (contd.)
12:00pm LUNCH
1:00pm Keynote Speaker: Attorney Deanna Arivett
3:00pm Adjourn
Friday, March 11, 2022
8:30am Welcome & Introductions
8:45am CT State Department of Education Updates
9:15am BREAK
9:25am Michelle Laubin, Esq., Senior Partner - Berchem Moses, PC
9:55am BREAK
10:05am Peter Maher, Esq., Partner - Shipman & Goodwin LLP
10:35am BREAK
10:45am Fred Dorsey, Esq., - Kainen, Escalera & McHale, P.C.
11:15am BREAK
11:25am Mark Sommaruga, Esq., Member - Pullman Comley
12:05pm LUNCH
12:45pm Attorney Panel Discussion - Mike McKeon, Mark Sommaruga, Fred Dorsey, Peter Maher and Michelle Laubin
2:15pm Adjourn
Keynote Speaker: Attorney Deanna Arivett of Arivett Law Firm
Deanna Arivett is a private practitioner who exclusively represents public boards of education in Tennessee. Deanna's practice focuses on matters pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and related state and federal laws. Deanna consults with clients on day-to-day legal matters and represents clients in litigation at both the administrative and federal court levels. In addition to legal representation, Deanna also enjoys providing professional development to school district staff at national conferences, state conferences, and at the local school level.
Prior to her legal career, Deanna practiced as a nationally certified school psychologist in public schools in both Tennessee and Ohio. Upon completion of her legal degree, Deanna went into private practice as an attorney with the Law Office of Melinda Jacobs PLLC (LOMJ). As an attorney with LOMJ, Deanna was mentored by a renowned special education attorney, Melinda Jacobs. Deanna’s unparalleled background provides her with unique insight and knowledge of the challenges faced by today’s school personnel.
Attorney's presentation will include:
- The Year's Top Special Education Case Law (morning session)
- Progress Monitoring Data: What's required, relevance in determining FAPE, and significance during the pandemic
- Prior Written Notices: What to include, why to include, and tips for writing legally defensible PWNS